Campfire Croissants
So simple and so satisfying. There are lots of options for making this a campfire treat to remember.
Lavender Wands
A beautiful little summer craft using up and storing the longest of your lavender stems. It’ll keep in a wardrobe or drawer for the year until you’re ready to make the next one.

Pot of Positivity
This little Pot of Positivity is to be used for children, fun little designs on the front and positive affirmations on the back. It might be cast to one side or it might spark a flame of self worth, either way, it’ll do no harm to read positive words.

Re-growing Celery
A neat little homestead trick to growing your celery from your kitchen scraps.

Daisy Balm
This is a simple, natural balm we use for everything in our house, from lip balm, to bite cream and bruises and bumps.
The daisy has always been a symbol of youth and beauty, it’s Latin name is Bellis Perrennis which translates to “everlasting beauty”. Gorgeous right?!

Imbolc Celebrations
Imbolc comes before the solar festival of the Spring Equinox, it’s an awakening of the land, of new beginnings and fresh starts. All the earth springing to life again.
There are so many ways to welcome back the warmth of the sun, here are just a few ideas for you.

Growing Potatoes
A super simple veg to grow right in your back garden. Start with preparing the ground and chitting…

Willow Hearts
Be sure to ask the permission of the willow before snipping anything from her boughs, respect for the trees goes a long way in connecting with nature, no matter how silly you might feel.

A Year of Wild Words
As your experiences grow, so will your language, keeping those wild words alive. For a child being able to use those words in their repertoire will stick with them. Learning at it’s most beautiful, gentle, holistic and for life.

Hand Rolled Beeswax Candles
The smell of these is so wholesome, an earthy sticky smell which is honey warm
Homemade Air Fresheners
These little pucks hold some serious scent. Perfect for all those places which need a little help staying fresh.
Yarn Dolls
Beautiful dolls made from a bundle of yarn. You don’t need much to make these come to life, they always have a personality of their own.
Stick Weaving
Stick weaving is a complete skill children can learn really easily. Starting from two sticks and creating a basic weave.