Lavender Wands
I love this craft so much, it’s such a full sensory experience, the smooth oils on your fingers, the soft flower heads and of course the perfect calming lavender scent.
These store beautifully in your wardrobe, drawers or even car for the year to gently add a lovely fragrance to your days. They’re so lovely to give as gifts too.
Materials Needed:
20-25 long stems of lavender
1m of ribbon or thin fabric
We harvested the lengths of lavender on a dry, warm day. The flowers hadn’t quite popped but still in bud.
Wait for a dry sunny day so you’re less likely to get your lavender wands going mouldy inside. There’s no need to wait for the flower as it’ll all be tucked inside the ribbon case.
Begin by stripping off any leaves or buds
You want to shuffle the ends of the flowers together. Get your ribbon ready.
Don’t worry about the ends being different lengths at this stage, you’ll get chance to chop them evenly at the end.
Tie the end of your ribbon around the stems, just under the heads of your lavender.
Make sure you have a long length of ribbon to work with.
Gently turn your lavender bundle upside down.
You want the stems to fall equally around in a circle. Try not to push them down, the stems tend to snap if forced.
Pull the long end of your ribbon out and grasp all of the stems together in one hand.
Begin weaving your ribbon, keeping it flat, not twisting it, over and under each of the stems.
Tip: You’ll need to lift each one as you need, rather than feeding the ribbon into the bundle and out again.
Carry on weaving the ribbon in and out of the stems, in a spiral down the bundle in your hand.
Adjust the stems as you need. If you miss one or snap one, it’s ok. No need to worry, it’ll fix itself at the end and you won’t even notice.
Carry on weaving until you get to the bottom of the heads of lavender.
All the flowers will end up being tucked inside of the ribbon weaving.
Adjust the stems and ribbon as you need to then carry on wrapping down the stems of the lavender to create your handle.
I ran out of ribbon but managed to tie in another length to wrap around the stems.
When you’re done, tie a knot in the end and add a loop if you want to hang them up.