Pot of Positivity
Sometimes we need a little nudge in a positive direction. I know over the years I’ve had little mantras and sayings I use to get me through difficult or challenging moments. Both literal and perceived difficulties. I remember riding up Park Rash (a flippin’ big hill) in the Dales repeating my alphabet… not quite a mantra but, it worked. You might find there are things you say as a family which mean special things or if you’re a mother, there might have been things you said to yourself during the throws of childbirth.
This little Pot of Positivity can be used for the whole family, fun little designs on the front and positive affirmations on the back. It might be cast to one side or it might spark a flame of self worth, either way, it’ll do no harm to read positive words.
Materials Needed:
Watercolour paper
Watercolours and paint brush
A jar
To begin with I marked out my A4 paper with little 5cm x 5cm boxes. I had a slightly different design to begin with but my 3 year old came to play and we ended up with wonderful swirling colours instead… #momlife hey! haha
Once your watercolours have dried, chop along the lines to make the cards. I rounded the corners of each card.
On the colourful side I doodled some fun little line drawings
and on the reverse I wrote little positive phrases and sayings
These can be totally unique to your family. A wonderful friend and her daughter say “I can do hard things” which is so beautiful.
Pop them in a jar and use them whenever you need a little boost. Or use them daily as part of your family time. There are really so many options.