Re-growing Celery
Nature is pretty ace isn’t it. From tiny seeds we get such incredible flowers and plants. Doesn’t it just blow your mind that we can get humongous pumpkins from a small seed?! Not only are we able to grow a crop of potatoes in a bag in our back yard but we can also regrow a few things from scraps we’d otherwise throw in the compost.
Celery for us last year was a big success, it kept going through the season and into the early winter. This is the method we tried and found worked for us. There are a few different ways of starting off so have an experiment and see which works for your family.
Materials Needed:
1 head of celery ends (the part at the bottom once you’ve chopped off the stems) Be sure to leave about 5-8cm.
A little tub/pot/dish
A warm windowsill