At Home With Kith
handcrafts | recipes | stories | nature journaling | gardening
November - What we’re working on
Sowing the last of the daffodils, chicken poop and chopping
Simple Acts of Humanity
Start small with a smile and build up to the big hello’s. In the winter, on a blustery cold day, we could all do with a little boost to warm us up from the inside.
Learning from Logs
“Hey Lorn, come see this!”
Si calls out across from the woodchip pile where he’s shifting logs kindly dropped off by our friend Woodchip Tom. Over the last 3 years this wood chip pile has grown and shrunk, there have been piles of wood deposited and used. No log goes to waste here at Kith.
September Garden
Green manure, compost joy and chopping the wildflowers. We’re back in the garden after a long hot summer.
Find out how long it took Si to coax a frog out of the way of the mower and how much I love compost!
Handmade Butter
You can do this in a group, a class, friends, a party, or use it as your daily exercise! This isn’t meant to deliver you with your butter supply regularly, but now and then for a little whimsy it’s a fun activity to try. Pair it with our favourite bread recipe for an afternoon of homemade, hand baked delights.
As Kith heads into it’s next year we’re realising that more and more we’re learning at an incredible speed, building on the years of knowledge we now have. Behind the scenes there’s so much which goes on, we don’t tell many folks about it as it feels like the norm for us, but actually there’s so much for us to pass on to you too.
The day to day maintenance of a space like Kith is pretty epic, we’re constantly looking ahead to the seasons to come. Much of the preparation for spring happens in the autumn/winter before, for the garden, the larger space and even for structures like the Wander Yurt. Each season brings its own challenges but we’re blessed with being able to settle into the rhythms of the year like our ancestors did in this county. Enjoying seasonal crafts, recipes, stories and feeling the creative pull of each season.
At Home With Kith will bring you in to learn more about what we’re doing each week/month/season. We’ll share notes from us as we work, recipes we’re enjoying, crafts, musings from the garden and words from the community. Inspiration, ideas and things for you to try at home.