Advent Spiral
The first light of advent is the light of stones
Stones that live in crystals, seashells, and bones.
The second light of advent is the light of the plants
Plants that reach up to the sun and in the breezes dance.
The third light of advent is the light of the beasts
All await the birth, from greatest and to the least.
The fourth light of advent is the light of humankind
The light of hope that we may learn to love and understand.
~Rudolf Steiner.
This advent spiral is a sweet addition to the nature table to house all the beautiful little treasures you’ve found over the year.
We used a simple salt dough recipe then kneaded and shaped our spiral until we were happy with it. Then comes the tricky task of adding just enough holes to house the natural treasures and candle.
As the days pass by we’ll move the candle or add a treasure, or even more likely is that B will fill it on the 1st December then we’ll have it to enjoy on our table for the whole festive season.
At Home:
Here’s the recipe we use.
1 cup plain flour
1/2 cup salt
2 tablespoons cream of tartar
1 tablespoon of oil (we used olive oil)
3/4-1 cup water added slowly to gauge the consistency
Add all the ingredients to a bowl, mixing then kneading into a smooth dough. If cracks form, add a little water. If it’s sloppy, add more flour.
Once you have a dough you’re happy with, create your shape. It’s likely your children will go off piste so be sure to make enough dough if you’re (the adult) keen to make a spiral.
Pop it in the oven on the lowest temperature you can for 2-3 hours until it’s hard. You can paint it when it’s ready or you could give it a wash of pva glue to give it a lovely sheen. We liked ours just the way it was so have kept it simple.