Our Vegetable Garden

Here you’ll find a rolling page of all the happenings in the veg garden.

Our Veg Garden is a community space, for everyone to get involved, learn and work on together. Having hands in the earth not only gives us all a huge connection to the earth, nature and our food chain but also gives us a brilliant health boost too, click here to learn more.

The benefits for children: read our blog - “It’s so much more than planting a seed” for our thoughts on this holistic learning experience. The benefits of gardening are still being discovered; community led projects and school activities are on the rise with huge impacts for those across the board.

The benefits for adults: this provides a huge mental stimulation, relaxation, connecting cognitive functions with body movements, so simple but so vital especially in this current technology based climate.

Latest update: 05/07/20

The garden is doing so well at the moment, everything seems to have taken and amazingly is growing! The potatoes have now finished and we’ll be beginning to get the bed ready for the next crop.

How you can help this week

  • Help the vegetables grow:

    • Remove any weeds you see growing

  • Remove the Grass from around the edges of the bed and put on compost heap (pull out the grass from the root if possible)

    • veg garden pathways

    • around the veg beds

    • from within the brassica/tomato bed

  • Feed The Plants

    • Give the tomatoes a feed with the banana fertiliser

    • A multi-purpose feed for everything but the brassicas which get…

    • stinky nettle juice for the cabbages, sprouts, kale, broccoli, lettuce, spinach (the leafy green veg)

      • be sure to dilute 1 part nettle juice to 10 parts water. 1 cup into the large watering can does the trick.

  • Protect the paths and beds:

    • Wood chip the paths and around the beds to stop weeds and grass coming through in the future

  • Turn the Compost

    • Turning the contents of the right into the left compost bin.

  • Trimming the edges of the beds to prevent the grass creeping in

    • Use the edging shears (adults only)

  • Prepare the potato bed

    • Dig it with a fork to find any last potatoes

    • Add some all purpose fertiliser

    • Trim the grass edges

    • Plant some salad/spring onions

  • Water the pumpkins

    • They need so so so much water. Be sure to add a watering can load when you can.

Latest update: 05/07/20

What a lot of rain and wind we’ve had. Some of the plants have taken a bit of a hammering sadly so I have fingers crossed that some sunshine and a little TLC (feel free to sing to them) and they’ll perk up.

How you can help this week

  • Help the vegetables grow: removing the weeds

    • brassica bed (cabbage, sprout, kale) especially

    • pumpkins

    • salad bed

  • Remove the Grass from around the edges of the bed and put on compost heap (pull out the grass from the root if possible)

    • veg garden pathways

    • around the veg beds

    • from within the brassica/tomato bed

  • Feed The Plants

    • Give the tomatoes a feed with the banana fertiliser

    • A multi-purpose feed for everything but the brassicas which get…

    • stinky nettle juice for the cabbages, sprouts, kale, broccoli, lettuce, spinach (the leafy green veg)

      • be sure to dilute 1 part nettle juice to 10 parts water. 1 cup into the large watering can does the trick.

  • Let the Peas Climb: Put chicken wire/string wall up between the peas for them to climb up

    • Create a wall in the middle of the bed wrapping each end around the canes. Allows the peas to climb upwards.

  • Protect the paths and beds:

    • Wood chip the paths and around the beds to stop weeds and grass coming through in the future

  • Turn the Compost

    • Turning the contents of compost bin 2 (left as you look at the bins) into bin 1 (on the right)

  • Trimming the edges of the beds to prevent the grass creeping in

    • Use the edging shears (adults only)

Latest update: 16/06/20

Hurrah for bees! There’s a wonderful little uplifting feeling I get seeing the beautiful bees buzzing around the garden finally. Having turned the space over from a field 10 months ago, it’s hard to believe the transformation.

How you can help this week

  • Help the vegetables grow: removing the weeds (see the how to guide in the ‘Water Lean-to’)

    • brassica bed (cabbage, sprout, kale)

    • pumpkins

    • salad

  • Remove the Grass and put on compost heap (pull out the grass from the root if possible)

    • veg garden pathways

    • around the veg beds

    • from within the brassica/tomato bed

  • Feed The Plants

    • Give the tomatoes a feed with the tomato food

    • A multi-purpose feed for everything but the brassicas which get…

    • stinky nettle juice for the cabbages, sprouts, kale, broccoli, lettuce, spinach (the leafy green veg)

      • be sure to dilute 1 part nettle juice to 10 parts water. 1 cup into the large watering can does the trick.

  • Support the cucumbers: Help build a cucumber support

    • build a pallet or trellis propped up behind the trough so they’re able to ramble up it

  • Thin out beetroot

    • Gently tease out the beetroot growing together and replant in more space

  • Let the Peas Climb: Put chicken wire/string wall up between the peas for them to climb up

    • Create a wall in the middle of the bed wrapping each end around the canes. Allows the peas to climb upwards.

  • Protect the paths and beds:

    • Wood chip the paths and around the beds to stop weeds and grass coming through in the future

  • Turn the Compost

    • Turning the contents of compost bin 1 (left as you look at the bins) into bin 2 (on the right)

Latest update: 05/06/20

After a really dry spell, the ground is getting a much needed soaking! Water has been an issue with no access to the mains. The farmers have been unbelievably kind and provided a water tank to use for watering the plants.

How you can help this week

  • Help the vegetables grow: removing the weeds (see the how to guide in the ‘Water Lean-to’)

    • carrots

    • parsnips

    • strawberries

    • pumpkins

    • salad

  • Remove the Grass and put on compost heap (pull out the grass from the root if possible)

    • veg garden pathways

    • around the veg beds

    • from within the brassica/tomato bed

  • Feed The Tomatoes

    • Give the tomatoes a feed with the tomato food

  • Support the cucumbers: Help build a cucumber support

    • build a pallet or trellis propped up behind the trough so they’re able to ramble up it

  • Thin out beetroot

    • Gently tease out the beetroot growing together and replant in more space

  • Let the Peas Climb: Put chicken wire/string wall up between the peas for them to climb up

    • Create a wall in the middle of the bed wrapping each end around the canes. Allows the peas to climb upwards.

  • Protect the paths and beds:

    • Wood chip the paths and around the beds to stop weeds and grass coming through in the future

  • Protect the brassicas: help by building a netted frame

    • Wooden stakes around the cabbage, broccoli, kale and sprouts

    • cover with netting and protect from predators (butterflies and birds)

Photos taken by Lorna - June 2020