Lorna Norton
Mother | Wife | Home Educator | Writer | Founder of Kith Homestead
Hello, I’m Lorna
It’s tricky to write about yourself isn’t it? I’ll do my best to introduce myself and let you know how Kith became Kith.
I’ll start with hello!
When our son was born, I never quite found “my people”, those who I could walk the parenting journey alongside of. My background is in psychology and education and over the years I’ve dreamt about the kind of life I wanted to provide for my family. I just didn’t find it in those early days of motherhood. Through a few fortunate opportunities, the patch of land at Kith became ours to look after. I envisioned a place where people could meet, feel safe and secure in their parenting choices and provide a space for their children to thrive amongst a beautiful backdrop.
I believe that all people; whether child or adult, deserve the opportunities to learn naturally, at their own pace, in their own time, following their interests.
The outdoor world provides all the resources we need to begin that journey. I love seeing people discovering things for the first time. From handcrafts to the garden and all the fascinating things about the natural world we get to discover along the way. The first moment of unpacking the unknown is wonderous, whether it’s for a child or an adult.
It’s easier to come together and build a community when you’re surrounded by a safe, beautiful, natural space so that’s what I set about trying to create at Kith.
Over the last few years, I’ve wielded a spade and lugged a wheelbarrow more times than I can remember, changing a sheep field to the little rewilded patch of land you see today. Kith is the product of a lot of love, nurturing it through winter storms, bringing it to life in the spring and keeping it going through the summer to enjoy the harvest in the autumn. Not just the garden but the space and the relationships between people and place.
I believe there’s a more holistic way to learn, for everyone.
My favourite part of Kith: under the willow tree
I love: potting on seedlings
I dislike: the wind!
As seen in…
“Giving children the opportunity to experience the darkness in comfort is one of the most simple acts of psychological growth I can think of”
Lorna Norton
The Comfort of Night Adventures. Juno Magazine, Autumn 2022
“We love the winter. It’s a chance to reset after the abundance of summer and busy autumn collecting seeds and harvests. The winter gives us a permission slip to slow down. Stretch out in front of the fire, playing games and eating cake with custard. It’s a warmth of inward cosiness, not the warmth of a busy summer of sunshine.”
Lorna Norton
Wintering. The Green Parent Magazine. Dec/Jan 2022
“Meaningful learning; learning which sticks with us, happens slowly, when we’re open to new experiences, in a relaxed positive state. For a child, we know this is called play. As an adult, it becomes clouded with “life” but essentially, our learning happens best when it’s positive and playful.”
Lorna Norton
Learning to Learn, Again. Wild+Free. September 2022 Bundle