Spring Equinox

For many centuries, people from cultures around the world have dedicated their lives to creating rituals and practices designed to honour this moment in time, when day and night are of equal length. Whether it be a simple act such as meditating or sharing a meal with family and friends, these rituals draw our attention towards appreciating the complexity of nature and our connection to the planet we inhabit.

For many families, this valuable awareness helps us to appreciate life’s complexity and celebrate togetherness despite the turning wheel of the year. Here are some simple Spring Equinox rituals you can try with your family .

Create a Spring Equinox Altar

One way to honour the Spring Equinox is by creating a family altar. It can serve as a visual reminder of the season's beauty and abundance, plus they’re so gorgeously personal to your family.
You can decorate the altar with symbols of spring such as fresh flowers, colourful candles, seeds, and treasures of the season. Encourage each family member to contribute an item that represents their connection to the season or something they want to remember during this time of growth and renewal.

Head outdoors

It's as simple as it sounds. Take your family outside - look for early blossoming trees like willow and cherry or go stream dipping to see what creatures are emerging. Whatever it is, just be-ing outside is a wonderful opportunity to see how the world is coming to life.

Arrive with the rising sun and go home when your bodies are full of equinox energy.

This year at Kith we’ll picnic by the river. Kicking off our shoes and dipping our toes in the cool water. Spring is the time of growth and renewal, I always feel like we come back refreshed (and perhaps a little weather beaten) when we return from a trip to the river.

Explore some seeds then sow them

Nurture your family's connection to the earth and embrace the spirit of growth and renewal by planting seeds together. You can create a dedicated family garden or simply select a few potted plants to nurture indoors. Encourage each family member to set an intention for the coming season as they plant their seeds, and discuss the importance of patience, care, and persistence in fostering growth. As the plants blossom, they will serve as a tangible reminder of your family's intentions and the regenerative power of nature.

If you have a little microscope, it’s so cool to explore the seeds first.

Crafting Nature-inspired Artwork

Creative expression provides a fun and immersive way for children and adults alike to connect with the essence of the Spring Equinox. Invite your family to gather natural materials, such as blooms, branches, and leaves, to create unique, nature-inspired artwork. You can fashion wreaths and garlands to adorn your home, or simply engage in free-form art-making, allowing each individual's creative spirit to shine. By embracing the vibrant colours and textures of the season, you can celebrate the beauty and abundance of spring.

This little chap was a 7 year olds idea of the Green Man.

Really, there are hundreds of ways to explore the Spring Equinox. Whatever your family chooses to do will be important and perfectly yours. The beauty of rituals and rhythms for families is making them your own. Embrace the season, send some love earthwards and enjoy this special day, it happens twice a year and above all it’s a moment to just pause. Take stock of the year so far and look forward to the warmer, longer days returning.

Seasons blessings to you all.

If you need some new ideas or want to embrace the season more, head to the 25 Spring Things ebook which gives you 40+ pages of beautiful spring ideas straight from the land at Kith.

25 Spring Things
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25 Spring Things

A 40+ page collection of 25 spring inspired offerings we’ve enjoyed over the years at Kith.
You can expect things to spot, activities to try, recipes to enjoy and so so much more. Everything you see has been invented, created, tried and tested by the children and adults at Kith since 2019.
For adults and children alike, this is your 25 Spring Things for the season.


Freshwater Adventures - The Basics


25 Spring Things