The den filled with spring shoots - it’s out of action until they’ve had their moment to bloom.
“ An age old blessing ritual to ask for a fertile spring leading us to a healthy harvest. “
For me is a celebration of life renewed. I become impatient as the year rolls to February, it’s so hard to not want to jump into sowing seeds when I can see so many shoots of green and buds bursting on the trees all around me. I have to be strict with myself, it’s not time for sowing seeds, this is the time for those plants and trees with roots connected to the earth to emerge. Our seeds will have their time, I’ll practise my patience a little longer.
Imbolc is a time to gather with friends and family to celebrate the returning sun, we ask for blessings upon our land for a safe arrival of spring, lighting a fire to remind us of the suns heat and light. We’ll take a trip to the stream with the children, laying strips of colourful fabric in the water ready to hang on the alder at the waters edge. An age old blessing ritual to ask for a fertile spring leading us to a healthy harvest.
This is the perfect time to be still for a moment and watch the land as the wheel of the year turns. Change your gaze as you see the life emerging all around you and in your own way, pay thanks to this beautiful earth we live upon. Draw, sketch, speak gratitude out loud, sing, write or create, it’s time to make those dreams we had in the depths of winter set seed.
But don’t be sucked in to all the feelings of spring just yet, we still have the frosts and freezes of February to contend with. Typically at Kith, this will be our stormiest month… keep your fingers crossed for Wander Yurts safe passage to spring where we can all relax a little.
At home, here are a few ideas for you to take into your Imbolc week:
Make an a little nature table filled with notions of early spring; hand drawn pictures, a jar of February finds, a joyful little treasure.
Spotting leaf bud bursts, the leaves of the Elder are a joyful oil-slick colour at the moment.
Perfect little blackthorn flowers - sit for a while and sketch them.
Hear the birds and listen for the sky lark returning to sing his heart out high above.
Mother Earth is sending her early root-babies earth side, look for snowdrops and daffodils.
Nettles, cleavers, dandelion leaves are arriving - the fresh early greens are perfect to add to juices
Welcome the arrival of new life with sprigs of spring flowers and foliage hung in garlands.
Clear a little space in your home for a posy of pussy willow.
Greet the sun with a cheery “hello” as it returns a little more each day.