Autumn/Winter Kit
Yep, I’m writing this in August… I appreciate how out of season this is but with the new season looming, I thought it’d be good to get ahead of things and swipe some bargains on Vinted.
If you’re a regular here you’ll know we’ve become pro’s at all the Yorkshire wild weather play over the years. I daren’t mention the winter of 2023/24, yikes! The kit recommendations below are based on personal experience at Kith over the years. We’ve seen some fab layer combos and some gear which really isn’t suitable for the weather conditions. For days at Kith in the winter we’re often thrown all the weird weather combos so having kit which works is so essential. Spare shoes in the worst of the weather is useful too, once a welly is flooded there’s not much we can do.
Whilst I’ve listed everything new here, most the kit below can often be found on Vinted at great prices, especially the Polarn O Pyret gear. It’s really hard wearing and such good quality, merino base layers, waterproofs and fleeces especially. We usually get most of the winter gear from Vinted and buy wellies new (they’re the most hard wearing piece of kit we’re happy to spend money on).
I’ve left the comments open so if you have any top tips please let us know. These aren’t affiliate links, just links…
Cotswolds - They have a wide toe box and are super hardy. They’re really warm too so usually only one pair of socks is needed. (Pictured - 3 x hand-me-downs from B still going strong)
Lakeland - soft and wide toe box. Not as warm as neoprene boots so good for those autumn adventures
Tip: a soft boot with a wide toe box always works well. Some kids like a wellie liner made of fleece but you have to account for that in the sizing. No kid likes to play in wellies which are too big/too small so it’s worth spending some time to pick the wellies which work best for your child. They’ll be wearing them a LOT!
Walking boots
Decathlon seems to have a really great selection. They did a great job in the worst of the weather last year. Will definitely be buying them again.
One pair of good quality hiking socks does really well. Wool is a great choice but is often a difficult texture for children. We’ve tried so many variations over the years and for us it all boils down to what B feels like day to day.
Tip: No more than 2 pairs at a time. We had one child who wore 3!! pairs of socks and couldn’t feel their toes after an hour. Friction is a friend when it comes to keeping toes warm so a little movement in a material which holds heat is the top tip.
Base layers
M&S thermal - for kids who don’t enjoy the texture of merino on their skin
Polarn merino - for those who don’t mind the texture
Leggings are always a good option for under waterproof trousers - fleece lined trousers are nice for really cold days
Mid layer
Any long sleeved sweatshirt which fits over a base layer. Something which allows for full movement.
Soft knitwear is always a bonus and again can be picked up on Vinted or from charity shops. B used to do really well with woollens but last year found the texture was often too scratchy, even over a cotton layer. This is super personal preference, so a long sleeved sweatshirt usually did the trick.
Extra mid layer
Polarn - windproof light fleece. You can pick these up on Vinted really easily. (Pictured)
Mountain Warehouse - these are super hard wearing and just give and extra layer where needed
Columbia - do a really nice range for kids
Waterproof Coat
Polarn - waterproof
Didricksons - so many options
Trollkids - again, so many options. They come up quite small/narrow which doesn’t always suit broad shouldered kids
Warm jacket for dry days
Columbia - have a really nice jacket range with older ages too
TrollKids - Windproof jacket
Mountain Warehouse - a puffy hard wearing jacket. It washes really well too! (Pictured)
Winter Trousers
Decathlon - these did really well last winter
Waterproof Trousers
Polarn - we’ve had all the combos of these over the years. They all do really well in all conditions. Slip off trousers are easier for wee’s but braces are good for keeping it all tucked in and warm.
Didriksons - again a super range
All in One Suit
Mountain Warehouse - these were the best suits we had and really missed them when B sized out of their range. They’re fleece lined and always kept him warm and dry in ALL the winter weather. The only down side was emergency access for wee’s was a bit tricky.
Dry bag for spare clothes
Lifeventure - these work so well for a bag of spare dry clothes
Tip: A trusty plastic bag! Any strong reusable plastic bag for wet clothes is super helpful and it folds up small into a backpack.
Hand Warmers
Amazon - last winter lots of the children tucked a pair of these in their bags for the super cold days.