Kith Homestead

A place of community and connection,
family, nature and earth.⁣
Natural pace learning for all.

  • Learning Community

    A community based on the child and their connection with the land

  • Events

    Seasonal events, workshops and gatherings to learn alongside each other

  • Homestead Camps

    Day camps for children to explore, learn, grow and play

  • Kith Kit Store

    A range for adults and children inspired by Kith. Designed by the community

  • Pathways

    A progressive programme especially for young people aged 10-15

…for families and individuals to gather amongst likeminded folk in the safety of the homestead. Learning holistically, following the seasons of the year, celebrating all that nature has to offer.

You’ll find weekly parent and child classes, a Home-Ed group, events and workshops at Kith.

Kith Homestead is a place…

Kith Homestead is an
Institute for Outdoor Learning
Accredited Course Provider

Follow our journey more regularly on our social media pages

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