Yurt and Field

Here’s your go to guide for everything you see when you first arrive and how you can help

We’re so blessed with the space to run wild and free at the homestead, all in the watchful presence of our wonderful yurt (affectionately named Wander.) Throughout the storms of 2020 she stood strong and didn’t budge. The field provides us with room to move, a little passive play area with no set prescription of “slide” or “swing”, just a place to flow in the moment, making it up as you go. There’s also our serene labyrinth, the very first thing added to the field when the homestead began. Behind the scenes these places need a lot of upkeep. Check below to see what the latest is.

Latest update: 02.08.20

Amazingly looking back at the to-do list from June we’ve ticked off some massive projects. The tippy-tap, the composting toilet and have plans lined up for the yurt base re-build. Feeling pretty ace about the community and how we get things done!

  • Give the labyrinth some love

    • Weed out all the growing vegetation

    • Reset the spiral structure with stones

      • Bulking up the current lines so there’s a smooth mound all the way around, rather than 1-by-1 stones in a line.

  • Add wood chip to all the pathways

    • Setting the pathways now before the winter will help alleviate some of the muddiness we get

  • Yurt garden

    • Plant autumn/winter bulbs

  • Re-paint wood burner during yurt base re-build

    • Wire brush to scuff off flaking paint

    • Re-paint with wood burner paint

    • Needs to happen in dry, warm weather with no rain forecast

  • Dig out the filtration system for the composting loo

    • Fill buckets with stones

    • Fit pipework

    • Add reeds


Blimey grass grows quick! With the help of the wonderful Thompson family the field has had a lot of love over the last few weeks. The labyrinth and pathways looking so smart now.

To do this week

  • Keep laying the paths; adding wood chip to the base to keep the weeds from peeking through the paths

    • we’ve had a new arrival of wood chip so can keep working hard on laying the paths

  • Make a little sign to say “Little Creature Corner, please check before climbing” for the stacked woodpile near the woodland entrance

  • Raise up the swing so longer legs can ride

  • Re-paint wood burner

    • Wire brush to scuff off flaking paint

    • Re-paint with wood burner paint

    • Needs to happen in dry, warm weather with no rain forecast

  • Complete tippy tap for hand washing


The field is currently in the middle of some serious grass growth, the longer areas we’re keeping quite wild for the wildlife to make their homes. After a period of really dry weather, the field itself has changed almost unrecognisably from the wet bog we were traipsing through all winter.

To do this week

  • Give the labyrinth some love

    • Weed out all the growing vegetation

    • Reset the spiral structure with stones

      • Bulking up the current lines so there’s a smooth mound all the way around, rather than 1-by-1 stones in a line.

  • Add wood chip to all the pathways

    • Setting the pathways now before the winter will help alleviate some of the muddiness we get

  • Yurt garden

    • Weed all the troughs and containers leaving in the annual bulbs

    • Add a layer of compost where possible

    • Plant bedding plants/sow seeds in

    • For the empty troughs, add lavender and rosemary plants

    • Tidy the edges, adding wood chip where needed

  • Fill in the cow indents with soil in the willow walkway

  • Make a little sign to say “Little Creature Corner, please check before climbing” for the stacked woodpile near the woodland entrance

  • Raise up the swing so longer legs can ride

  • Re-paint wood burner

    • Wire brush to scuff off flaking paint

    • Re-paint with wood burner paint

    • Needs to happen in dry, warm weather with no rain forecast

  • Complete tippy tap for hand washing

Big urgent projects

  1. Solution needed to stop water seeping into the yurt in heavy rain

    • A new base or new flooring?

    • Will need a full yurt dismantling and rebuild

    • Time frame; before October when the weather starts to change.

  2. Composting toilet

    • Becoming more of a necessity with increased footfall

    • More spaces for hand washing needed

Photos taken by Lorna - June 2020