Kith Connection

“our epidemic dislocation from the outdoors - is an indictment not only of the structures and habits of modern society but of our self-understanding”
Florence Williams - The Nature Fix


Kith Connection

Sadly we’re living in a time where the term “Nature Deficit Disorder” (Richard Louv) is used to describe the disconnect we as humans are experiencing with the natural world.

During the Kith Connection, you’ll learn new skills to take with you on adventures, become inspired by the minute details of our natural world and collaborate in joyful, playful activities to loosen our bodies and free our minds. Even for folks who spend a lot of time outdoors, there will always be new exciting ways to explore and connect.

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Kith Connections
Seasonal Programme

This year, together with your family you’ll be able to reconnect with the cycle of the year. The Kith Connections Seasonal Programme has been carefully crafted to bring a slow, simplicity to family life.

Rooted in holistic homesteading skills, over the course of the year you’ll be given prompts and skills to learn together with your family. Including gardening, nature journaling, baking and awareness skills.

The programme is split into 4 seasons which correlate with the cycle of the year. The starting place is this winter. Slowing down to focus on gratitude and the ways you’re able to plan and prepare for the seasons ahead. Your Spring Season will be on sale early 2021.

In the UK, winter officially begins on 21st December, the Winter Solstice.
Your 20 page winter programme is £20
Reduced to £15 for mailing list subscribers until the Winter Solstice.

Would you like a sneak preview before you buy?